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Google Grid галлерея

Анимированная 3D галерея(слайдшоу) в котором можно перелистывать изображения кнопками на клавиатуре "вперед" "назад" "esc"
<div id="grid-gallery" class="grid-gallery">
  <section class="grid-wrap">
  <ul class="grid">
  <li class="grid-sizer"></li><!-- for Masonry column width -->
  <img src="img/thumb/1.png" alt="img01"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Letterpress asymmetrical</h3><p>Chillwave hoodie ea gentrify aute sriracha consequat.</p></figcaption>
  <img src="img/thumb/2.png" alt="img02"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Vice velit chia</h3><p>Laborum tattooed iPhone, Schlitz irure nulla Tonx retro 90's chia cardigan quis asymmetrical paleo. </p></figcaption>
  <img src="img/thumb/3.png" alt="img03"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Brunch semiotics</h3><p>Ex disrupt cray yr, butcher pour-over magna umami kitsch before they sold out commodo.</p></figcaption>
  <img src="img/thumb/4.png" alt="img04"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Chillwave nihil occupy</h3><p>In post-ironic gluten-free deserunt, PBR&B non pork belly cupidatat polaroid. </p></figcaption>
  <img src="img/thumb/5.png" alt="img05"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Kale chips lomo biodiesel</h3><p>Pariatur food truck street art consequat sustainable, et kogi beard qui paleo. </p></figcaption>
  <img src="img/thumb/6.png" alt="img06"/>
  <figcaption><h3>Exercitation occaecat</h3><p>Street chillwave hoodie ea gentrify.</p></figcaption>
  </section><!-- // grid-wrap -->
  <section class="slideshow">
  <h3>Letterpress asymmetrical</h3>
  <p>Kale chips lomo biodiesel stumptown Godard Tumblr, mustache sriracha tattooed cray aute slow-carb placeat delectus. Letterpress asymmetrical fanny pack art party est pour-over skateboard anim quis, ullamco craft beer.</p>
  <img src="img/large/1.png" alt="img01"/>
  <h3>Vice velit chia</h3>
  <p>Chillwave Echo Park Etsy organic Cosby sweater seitan authentic pour-over. Occupy wolf selvage bespoke tattooed, cred sustainable Odd Future hashtag butcher.</p>
  <img src="img/large/2.png" alt="img02"/>
  <h3>Brunch semiotics</h3>
  <p>IPhone PBR polaroid before they sold out meh you probably haven't heard of them leggings tattooed tote bag, butcher paleo next level single-origin coffee photo booth.</p>
  <img src="img/large/3.png" alt="img03"/>
  <h3>Chillwave nihil occupy</h3>
  <p>Vice cliche locavore mumblecore vegan wayfarers asymmetrical letterpress hoodie mustache. Shabby chic lomo polaroid, scenester 8-bit Portland Pitchfork VHS tote bag.</p>
  <img src="img/large/4.png" alt="img04"/>
  <h3>Kale chips lomo biodiesel</h3>
  <p>Chambray Schlitz pug YOLO, PBR Tumblr semiotics. Flexitarian YOLO ennui Blue Bottle, forage dreamcatcher chillwave put a bird on it craft beer Etsy.</p>
  <img src="img/large/5.png" alt="img05"/>
  <h3>Exercitation occaecat</h3>
  <p>Cosby sweater hella lomo Thundercats VHS occupy High Life. Synth pop-up readymade single-origin coffee, fanny pack tousled retro. Fingerstache mlkshk ugh hashtag, church-key ethnic street art pug yr.</p>
  <img src="img/large/6.png" alt="img06"/>
  <span class="icon nav-prev"></span>
  <span class="icon nav-next"></span>
  <span class="icon nav-close"></span>
  <div class="info-keys icon">Navigate with arrow keys</div>
  </section><!-- // slideshow -->
</div><!-- // grid-gallery -->
<script src="js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/masonry.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/classie.js"></script>
<script src="js/cbpGridGallery.js"></script>
  new CBPGridGallery( document.getElementById( 'grid-gallery' ) );

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/* Example media queries (reduce number of columns and change slideshow layout) */
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@media screen and (max-width: 35em) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 24em) {
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  * cbpGridGallery.js v1.0.0
  * http://www.codrops.com
  * Licensed under the MIT license.
  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  * Copyright 2014, Codrops
  * http://www.codrops.com
;( function( window ) {
  'use strict';
  var docElem = window.document.documentElement,
  transEndEventNames = {
  'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
  'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
  'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
  'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
  'transition': 'transitionend'
  transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ],
  support = {
  transitions : Modernizr.csstransitions,
  support3d : Modernizr.csstransforms3d
  function setTransform( el, transformStr ) {
  el.style.WebkitTransform = transformStr;
  el.style.msTransform = transformStr;
  el.style.transform = transformStr;
  // from http://responsejs.com/labs/dimensions/
  function getViewportW() {
  var client = docElem['clientWidth'],
  inner = window['innerWidth'];
  if( client < inner )
  return inner;
  return client;
  function extend( a, b ) {
  for( var key in b ) {  
  if( b.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
  a[key] = b[key];
  return a;
  function CBPGridGallery( el, options ) {
  this.el = el;
  this.options = extend( {}, this.options );
  extend( this.options, options );
  CBPGridGallery.prototype.options = {
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._init = function() {
  // main grid
  this.grid = this.el.querySelector( 'section.grid-wrap > ul.grid' );
  // main grid items
  this.gridItems = [].slice.call( this.grid.querySelectorAll( 'li:not(.grid-sizer)' ) );
  // items total
  this.itemsCount = this.gridItems.length;
  // slideshow grid
  this.slideshow = this.el.querySelector( 'section.slideshow > ul' );
  // slideshow grid items
  this.slideshowItems = [].slice.call( this.slideshow.children );
  // index of current slideshow item
  this.current = -1;
  // slideshow control buttons
  this.ctrlPrev = this.el.querySelector( 'section.slideshow > nav > span.nav-prev' );
  this.ctrlNext = this.el.querySelector( 'section.slideshow > nav > span.nav-next' );
  this.ctrlClose = this.el.querySelector( 'section.slideshow > nav > span.nav-close' );
  // init masonry grid
  // init events
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._initMasonry = function() {
  var grid = this.grid;
  imagesLoaded( grid, function() {
  new Masonry( grid, {
  itemSelector: 'li',
  columnWidth: grid.querySelector( '.grid-sizer' )
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._initEvents = function() {
  var self = this;
  // open the slideshow when clicking on the main grid items
  this.gridItems.forEach( function( item, idx ) {
  item.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
  self._openSlideshow( idx );
  } );
  } );
  // slideshow controls
  this.ctrlPrev.addEventListener( 'click', function() { self._navigate( 'prev' ); } );
  this.ctrlNext.addEventListener( 'click', function() { self._navigate( 'next' ); } );
  this.ctrlClose.addEventListener( 'click', function() { self._closeSlideshow(); } );
  // window resize
  window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() { self._resizeHandler(); } );
  // keyboard navigation events
  document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( ev ) {
  if ( self.isSlideshowVisible ) {
  var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which;
  switch (keyCode) {
  case 37:
  self._navigate( 'prev' );
  case 39:
  self._navigate( 'next' );
  case 27:
  } );
  // trick to prevent scrolling when slideshow is visible
  window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function() {
  if ( self.isSlideshowVisible ) {
  window.scrollTo( self.scrollPosition ? self.scrollPosition.x : 0, self.scrollPosition ? self.scrollPosition.y : 0 );
  else {
  self.scrollPosition = { x : window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft, y : window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop };
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._openSlideshow = function( pos ) {
  this.isSlideshowVisible = true;
  this.current = pos;
  classie.addClass( this.el, 'slideshow-open' );
  /* position slideshow items */
  // set viewport items (current, next and previous)
  // add class "current" and "show" to currentItem
  classie.addClass( this.currentItem, 'current' );
  classie.addClass( this.currentItem, 'show' );
  // add class show to next and previous items
  // position previous item on the left side and the next item on the right side
  if( this.prevItem ) {
  classie.addClass( this.prevItem, 'show' );
  var translateVal = Number( -1 * ( getViewportW() / 2 + this.prevItem.offsetWidth / 2 ) );
  setTransform( this.prevItem, support.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + 'px)' );
  if( this.nextItem ) {
  classie.addClass( this.nextItem, 'show' );
  var translateVal = Number( getViewportW() / 2 + this.nextItem.offsetWidth / 2 );
  setTransform( this.nextItem, support.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + 'px)' );
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._navigate = function( dir ) {
  if( this.isAnimating ) return;
  if( dir === 'next' && this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && this.current === 0 ) {
  this.isAnimating = true;
  // reset viewport items
  var self = this,
  itemWidth = this.currentItem.offsetWidth,
  // positions for the centered/current item, both the side items and the incoming ones
  transformLeftStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d(-' + Number( getViewportW() / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(-' + Number( getViewportW() / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)',
  transformRightStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + Number( getViewportW() / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(' + Number( getViewportW() / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)',
  transformCenterStr = '', transformOutStr, transformIncomingStr,
  // incoming item
  if( dir === 'next' ) {
  transformOutStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d( -' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px )' : 'translate(-' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)';
  transformIncomingStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d( ' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px )' : 'translate(' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)';
  else {
  transformOutStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d( ' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px )' : 'translate(' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)';
  transformIncomingStr = support.support3d ? 'translate3d( -' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px, 0, -150px )' : 'translate(-' + Number( (getViewportW() * 2) / 2 + itemWidth / 2 ) + 'px)';
  // remove class animatable from the slideshow grid (if it has already)
  classie.removeClass( self.slideshow, 'animatable' );
  if( dir === 'next' && this.current < this.itemsCount - 2 || dir === 'prev' && this.current > 1 ) {
  // we have an incoming item!
  incomingItem = this.slideshowItems[ dir === 'next' ? this.current + 2 : this.current - 2 ];
  setTransform( incomingItem, transformIncomingStr );
  classie.addClass( incomingItem, 'show' );
  var slide = function() {
  // add class animatable to the slideshow grid
  classie.addClass( self.slideshow, 'animatable' );
  // overlays:
  classie.removeClass( self.currentItem, 'current' );
  var nextCurrent = dir === 'next' ? self.nextItem : self.prevItem;
  classie.addClass( nextCurrent, 'current' );
  setTransform( self.currentItem, dir === 'next' ? transformLeftStr : transformRightStr );
  if( self.nextItem ) {
  setTransform( self.nextItem, dir === 'next' ? transformCenterStr : transformOutStr );
  if( self.prevItem ) {
  setTransform( self.prevItem, dir === 'next' ? transformOutStr : transformCenterStr );
  if( incomingItem ) {
  setTransform( incomingItem, dir === 'next' ? transformRightStr : transformLeftStr );
  var onEndTransitionFn = function( ev ) {
  if( support.transitions ) {
  if( ev.propertyName.indexOf( 'transform' ) === -1 ) return false;
  this.removeEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );
  if( self.prevItem && dir === 'next' ) {
  classie.removeClass( self.prevItem, 'show' );
  else if( self.nextItem && dir === 'prev' ) {
  classie.removeClass( self.nextItem, 'show' );
  if( dir === 'next' ) {
  self.prevItem = self.currentItem;
  self.currentItem = self.nextItem;
  if( incomingItem ) {
  self.nextItem = incomingItem;
  else {
  self.nextItem = self.currentItem;
  self.currentItem = self.prevItem;
  if( incomingItem ) {
  self.prevItem = incomingItem;
  self.current = dir === 'next' ? self.current + 1 : self.current - 1;
  self.isAnimating = false;
  if( support.transitions ) {
  self.currentItem.addEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );
  else {
  setTimeout( slide, 25 );
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._closeSlideshow = function( pos ) {
  // remove class slideshow-open from the grid gallery elem
  classie.removeClass( this.el, 'slideshow-open' );
  // remove class animatable from the slideshow grid
  classie.removeClass( this.slideshow, 'animatable' );
  var self = this,
  onEndTransitionFn = function( ev ) {
  if( support.transitions ) {
  if( ev.target.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'ul' ) return;
  this.removeEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );
  // remove classes show and current from the slideshow items
  classie.removeClass( self.currentItem, 'current' );
  classie.removeClass( self.currentItem, 'show' );
  if( self.prevItem ) {
  classie.removeClass( self.prevItem, 'show' );
  if( self.nextItem ) {
  classie.removeClass( self.nextItem, 'show' );
  // also reset any transforms for all the items
  self.slideshowItems.forEach( function( item ) { setTransform( item, '' ); } );
  self.isSlideshowVisible = false;
  if( support.transitions ) {
  this.el.addEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );
  else {
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._setViewportItems = function() {
  this.currentItem = null;
  this.prevItem = null;
  this.nextItem = null;
  if( this.current > 0 ) {
  this.prevItem = this.slideshowItems[ this.current - 1 ];
  if( this.current < this.itemsCount - 1 ) {
  this.nextItem = this.slideshowItems[ this.current + 1 ];
  this.currentItem = this.slideshowItems[ this.current ];
  // taken from https://github.com/desandro/vanilla-masonry/blob/master/masonry.js by David DeSandro
  // original debounce by John Hann
  // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._resizeHandler = function() {
  var self = this;
  function delayed() {
  self._resizeTimeout = null;
  if ( this._resizeTimeout ) {
  clearTimeout( this._resizeTimeout );
  this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout( delayed, 50 );
  CBPGridGallery.prototype._resize = function() {
  if ( this.isSlideshowVisible ) {
  // update width value
  if( this.prevItem ) {
  var translateVal = Number( -1 * ( getViewportW() / 2 + this.prevItem.offsetWidth / 2 ) );
  setTransform( this.prevItem, support.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + 'px)' );
  if( this.nextItem ) {
  var translateVal = Number( getViewportW() / 2 + this.nextItem.offsetWidth / 2 );
  setTransform( this.nextItem, support.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + 'px, 0, -150px)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + 'px)' );
  // add to global namespace
  window.CBPGridGallery = CBPGridGallery;
})( window );
Поделись ссылкой с друзьями:
22.03.2014, 01:30
Категория: Разное | Добавил: туссин | Теги: Google, Grid, галлерея, Slideshow, 3d
Просмотров: 1819 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 0
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